Batten Secy. reported that with the Chairman's sanction he had asked £500 from Bradford City for this player. That club were in negotiation with him but he had not yet made any decision. Murray Secy. reported that this player had been transferred to Bristol City F. C. for £150 the player's accrued share to be £50. Confirmed. H. Lightbody Letter read re this player. Decided to ask him to play a trial. Transfer of Shares The following transfers were approved Robina Edwards to T. A. Taylor 3 shares Nos. 2251, 1368, 1369. J. T. Wilson to Doris Walker 89, 90, 2098-2101. W. Weaver Secy. reported receipt of £750 on a/c of transfer fee & with the permission of the Chairman had given to 1st Decr. to pay balance. Action confirmed. McLelland Letter read from the M'bro F. C. that they were not prepared to part with this player. Fire Extinguisher The question of providing these was left in hands of Mr. Banks. Collection Permission granted for collection in aid of Nat'l Institute for Blind to be made on 27th Novr. Players to watch J. Fare & Secy. to watch Jones (I. L. Notts F.) J. Elliott do. Johnson (Denaby) G. Hoare do. Ramsey (Arsenal) & Lane (Spurs) D. Kirkwood do. Earle Nelson Main (Airdrie) Letter read from Mr. J. Weir that the Airdrieonians F. C. were prepared to accept £300 for this player. Secy. instructed to negotiate for his transfer up to that amount. Next Meeting Tuesday next 2nd prox. at Exchange Station Hotel at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman