v Skelmersdale United left to Staff. Director to Burnley Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Irvine's Benefit It was decided to grant R. Irvine a benefit before the end of the Season. Players Sub Committee Mr. E. Green proposed that a small sub Committee be formed and after he had outlined his scheme it was agreed that the Directors think over the question & it be discussed again at next meeting. Reports re Players The Chairman reported that he did not Chegne (Aberdeen) consider this player good enough for us but J. Elliott gave a good report of him. Glasgow League v Messrs D. Kirkwood & J. Weir reported that Scottish Jr. League they were not impressed with Cameron (Parkhead) but reported very well of McGonnigle (L. H. Duntocher Hibs) & Rankine (I. L. Strathclyde). Rae (Leith Ath.) Mr. A. Coffey & Secy. gave a favorable report of this player also D. Read (C. H.) of same club but stated that the Club were not prepared to consider the question of transferring any of their players. Scott (Usworth) Mr. W. Laine gave a favorable report of this player. Ramsay (Arsenal) Mr. G. Hoare reported that he did not consider this player good enough for us. Earle (Nelson) Letter read from the Club asking £2000 Mr. J. Fare reported that he played fairly well. J. Peacock Secy. reported that he had had an enquiry from Sheffield United for a halfback & had mentioned this player to them & a fee of £2500. Decided that if negotiations were opened, the Chairman to have permission to come down to £2000.