[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday 5th October 1926] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors Except Mr. A. Coffey. Minutes The minutes of Meetings held on the 28th & 29th ult. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported. Gate v Bury £998.19.6 Tax £158.6.9 20% £125.13.6 1% £7.19.10. Gate v Blackpool Res. £84.9.0 Tax 19s./8d. do. v Garston Royal 14s./4d. Blackpool F. C. for old Seats £200.0.0 Bank Balance £3860.7.9. Dr. Cheques were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts tax £159.6.5 T. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £360.0.0 Amt. expended on New Stand to date £22518.9.11 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Blackburn Rovers 3-3, Bury 2-2, Bury Res. 2-2 Blackpool Res. 3-4 & Garston Royal 2-2. Dr. & Trainers Report Dr. C. Baxter & Trainer Cooke reported the following players injured:- Hardy, Kendall, Raitt, Reid, Brown, Rooney, Hamilton, Bain, Weaver. Secy. reported that Dr. Heaney had stated that Dean might now play. Hardy & Kendall were reported to be progressing favorably & the former had commenced training. Decided that Houghton be examined by Dr. McMurray re knee trouble.