Official to Stoke Mr. J. Fare. Reports re Players Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report of this Jones (Chirk) player & it was decided to see him again. Altrincham Players Mr. J. Fare reported that he did not consider any of these players good enough for us except Stapleton (C. F.) who had however singed for Stockport Cty. Critchley (Stockport) Mr. D. Kirkwood gave a fair report of this player. New Stand It was decided not to have this structure tested. Aintree Loco Sports Letter read asking us to play match club for benefit of an injured player. Decided to offer to send a strong A team on suitable date. Insurance of Workmen The action of Secy. in insuring the Workmen on Paddock for Workmen's Compensation with Royal Insurance Co. was approved. Complimentary Ticket A Complimentary Season ticket was granted to W. Higginson, Station Master Central Station. L'pool Senior Cup The Secy. reported that we had been drawn against L'pool (away) & his action in fixing date for Nov. 17th was confirmed. McLachlan Cup An application for use of G. P. for this Final was not entertained; but it was decided to offer use of A team ground. Players to Watch Left in hands of Secy. Painting Mr. H. Banks was empowered to employ a painter to do necessary painting on ground. F.L. Management It was decided to invite this Committee Committee to Luncheon at N. W. Hotel on 29th prox. Lancashire C. C. Secy. was instructed to send letter of congratulation to this Club on winning Championship. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday 7th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman