[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday 24th August 1926] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. A. Coffey. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on the 17th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported Gate in Practice Match £341.2.0 Tax £12.17.6 Sale of Season Tickets £260.18.3 St. Domings C. C. Rent Strawberry Lane £7.10.0 Bank Balance £4897.13.1 Cr. Cheque were signed for Collector of Custom & Excise Enterts. Tax £12.17.6 The Kleine Patent Fire Resisting Flooring Synd. Ld. £300.0.0 A Leitch on a/c Fees New Stand £465.0.0 Doctors & Trainer's Dr. Baxter & Trainer Cooke reported the following Report players unfit Hardy (sprained leg), Kendall (loose cartilage), Moffat (sprained foot), Troup (sore shoulder after dislocation), Dean,- Peacock (sprained foot) & Houghton (Knee) would be fit. Dr. McMurrays & Dr. Armour reports on Kendall were read & it was decided that he be operated on by the former at Robt. Davies Nursing Home. Dr. Baxter stated that Dr. Heaney had examined Dean who was progressing favorably & would be ready to commence training in 2 months time. He was to have violet ray treatment twice weekly. Report re Players J. Elliott reported favorably on Dudley (GK) Altrincham Team Royle (R. B.) the Left Half & Schofield & Walsh (Left wing). Wilcox W. H. Secy. reported that he had signed on this player for 1 months trial at £3.10.0 per week from 25th inst. & travelling Expenses paid