Refreshment Bars Permission was granted to the City Caterers to make certain alterations to the Bars as pointed out by them to Mr. Banks. J. Williams A letter from Mr. H. Chapman re this (Stoke City) player was left over. A. L. Parry Letter read from the F.A. granting (Shareholder) permission to issue this shareholder with Season Tickets on old terms. J. Cassidy Secy. reported that this player was on Transfer list, but no action was taken. Transfer of Shares The following transfers of Share were approved R. H. Richardson to W. E. Darlington 1 Share No. 2377 E. J. & W. Bergin to Edwd. Bergin 3 Shares No. 320-322. Chimneys on } The Ground Committee were given permission Goodison Rd. Stand} to have these Chimneys altered. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next 24th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman