[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on Thursday July 15th 1926.] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair), Messrs A. Coffey, H. Banks, Dr. J. C. Baxter, W. J. Sawyer, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade. Minutes The minutes of meeting 1st July were read. Dean The Secy. reported that Dean had been removed to the Robert Davies Nursing Home West Derby, and was progressing very favourably. Dr. Mathers report of the Radiograms taken was read. League Minutes It was reported that the League had reduced Harlands Transfer Fee to £250, and granted permission to pay F. T. Parry the sum of £100 accrued share of Benefit on being transferred to Grimsby Town F. C. Henderson Letter read from this player offering his services to the Club. No action. Picnic The menus from the St. Georges Hotel Llandudno, were submitted & accepted @ 8/6 per person, for Lunch & High Tea. McBain A letter received from this player by Mr. Cuff asking for share of Transfer, was read, together with his reply to same. Action confirmed. Dressing Rooms Tenders were opened for the proposed Patent flooring of these Rooms.