practice match receipts. Friendly matches Letters read from the L'pool & M/c Variety F. C.s asking for fixtures. Decided not to fix up extra matches. J. Elliott The question of this employees engagement was considered, and it was decided to terminate his engagement as trainer, and to offer him a post of groundsman at £3.10.0 per week with 10/- per week extra when employed in looking for players. He is to be requested to attend the next Board meeting. Fortune It was decided to give this groundsman an increase of wages of 10/- per week. Mr. W. R. Williams Secy. reported the death of this lady & it was decided to send a wreath and a letter of condolence to the family. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Thursday 1st prox. at 6 pm. Tea at 5.30. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman