inserted therein the comparative figures for the previous season. On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr. E. Green (Vice Chairman) the adoption of the Balance Sheet & Directors Report was unanimously adopted. Dividend Mr. W. J. Sawyer proposed & Mr. A. Coffey seconded that a dividend of 7½ % on paid up capital for the year ending 1st May 1926 be paid less Income Tax. Election of Mr. R. Nelson having withdrawn his Directors nomination, the Chairman declared Messrs H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins & W. J. Sawyer duly re elected & thanked the Shareholders for in this manner having shown their confidence in the Board. Bonus Shares Mr. W. Wallace asked whether it would be possible to issue Bonus Shares to the Shareholders. The Chairman stated that he thought this would be contrary to the F. A. Rules but he would make enquiries. Election of Auditors On the motion of Mr. Wm. Morris seconded by Mr. W. F. Mitty, Messrs T. Theodore, Rogers, Bowler & Co. were unanimously re elected. Auditors to the Coy. at a fee of Sixty Guineas. Players Signed The Secretary read a list of professional players signed on for next Season. Vote of Thanks Mr. W. J. Minto having proposed & Mr. H. Harper seconded a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Directors unanimously & the Chairman having suitably replied, he declared the Meeting closed. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.