this players transfer. Mr. D. Kirkwood strongly recommends him on his display at Northampton & stated that the club were prepared to accept £1000. Secy. was instructed to proceed there on Sat. with powers to secure his transfer up to £750. Critchley & Meads Mr. J. Fare reported that the former did (Stockport C.) not play & that he was not too impressed with the latter. King (Shildon) Mr. W. Laine gave favorable reports of Keating (Annfield) these two players. & D. Kirkwood Chorley v Morecambe Messrs W. J. Sawyer gave favorable reports of Brown, Threlfall & Ross of Morecambe. Edwards & Williams Mr. D. Kirkwood gave a very promising (Summerhill) report of the former, but stated that the latter was too small. Outerande (Ashton) Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he did not consider this player of any use to us. Lytham Players Mr. W. Green reported that he did not consider any of these players good enough for us. Wood (Winsford) Mr. W. C. Gibbins & Secy. reported that this player was very promising & should be seen again. Football League} It was decided to nominate Mr. T. A. Bancroft Management Committee} of Blackpool for the vacancy on this Committee. C. L. Linesmen The question of nominating 2 Linesmen was left in hands of the Chairman. C. L. Management} Letters were read stating that the following Committee} gentlemen had been nominated for this Committee. Messrs Walsh (Blackburn), Nicholls (Bolton), Furness (M/C City) & Parker (Huddersfield). Decided not to decide whom to vote for until later on. McBain & Chedgzoy It was decided that if the former was not transferred & the latter had not re-signed by Friday next they be offered £6 & £8 per week to re sign for next Season & reported to F. A.