but to leave nomination for vacancy on Committee & Linesmen &c. over until next week. Decided to nominate the retiring member of C. L. Committee & S. Nicholls of Bolton Wdrs. for the vacancy. Central League The Chairman explained the position re proposed extension of this league & it was decided we support the proposal to extend the League provided the present members were not interfered with except with their consent. Agreed that Mr. W. J. Sawyer represent the club at a Meeting in Manchester on 22nd inst. Secy. also to attend. L'pool Cup Final Secy. reported that Monday May 3rd had been fixed for this final & same was confirmed. Catering Rights A letter was read from Mr. W. McConnell offering for these rights for next Season. Agreed to allow same to stand over for present. Plymouth Argyle Letter read asking club to fore go the F. C. balance of £250 due re transfers of Livingstone & Batten. Decided nor to do so & to press for immediate payment. D. Murray Chairman reported that Swansea Town had made a verbal offer of £100 for this players transfer. It was agreed to rescind portion of minute of last meeting re this player & to put him on transfer list at a fee of £100. L'pool Organization Letter read re proposed Sports Meeting. Decided to allow same to lie on the table. New Brighton Secy. reported that amount due from F. C. this club had not yet been paid. Decided to press Dr. T. Martlew for immediate payment. Players to watch Messrs E. Green & Secy. to watch Weldon (Aintree) with powers, if satisfied with his display, to