Norwich Hospital An application for us to compete for Cup this trophy on 26th inst. was not entertained. St. Lukes Church} An application for the use of the practice May Festival} ground for June was not entertained. Gibson (Notts F.) Letter read stating that fee required for this player was not less than £3500. Darlington F. C. Letter read thanking Board for sending team for Greaves Benefit match. Glentoran F. C. An application for us to play match in Belfast before end of season was not entertained. J. O'Donnell Permission was given for this player to play in a Charity match in May provided he would be insured against accident. Bill Posting Station Secy. reported that Messrs D. Allen & Son Ltd. were desirous of repairing present hoarding or re-erecting a new one. Decided that nothing be done at present & that Messrs Allen be informed that the Board could give them no security of tenure at present. Retain & Transfer It was decided to offer engagements to Lists the following players:- Hardy, Raitt, Macdonald, Brown, Reid, Hart, Bain, Peacock, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Dean, Troup, Weaver £6 Summer & £8 Winter. J. Kendall £6 all round. Hamilton £3 & £4, Kerr £6 & £7, O'Donnell £6 & £7 & £8 after 17/10/26, Virr £5 & £7, Rooney £4 & £5, Kennedy £6 & £7, Houghton £3 all round Millington £4 all round all players under maximum to have £1 extra when playing in 1st Team. Secy. to apply to League for permission to pay Dean £8 per week. The following to be placed on Transfer List Harland £500, Parry £500, Jones, Rand & Murray Free.