v Liverpool Res. (h) 14th inst. Kendall, Hamilton, Kerr, Peacock, Bain, Rooney, T. Parker or Millington, Murray, O'Donnell, McBain & Kennedy Res. Houghton. v Preston N. E. Res. (h) 17th inst. Kendall, Hamilton, Kerr, Peacock, Bain, Virr, T. Parker, McBain, O'Donnell, Houghton, Kennedy Res. Millington. Directors to London &c. Messrs A. Coffey & H. Banks. do to International Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade & W. J. Sawyer. do to F. A. Final The 5 Directors above & Mr. W. C. Gibbins. New Stand The Secy. was empowered to sign the plans for this work. L'pool Cup Final It was agreed that the Chairman attend the Semifinal at Tranmere on the 19th inst. with powers to arrange for the final. Birkenhead Hospl. Cup Letter read from this Committee. Secy. reported that Tranmere Rovers were not in a position at present to arrange a date for this match. Match for Winsford} Secy. reported that this match had been Hosp'l} fixed for Monday Apl. 26th. Reports re McPhail Secy. reported that he had again seen & Weldon (Airdrie) these players. The former was not impressive but he strongly recommended the latter. Allison (Stenhousemuir) Mr. J. Fare gave a favorable report of this player, but stated he hardly considered him up to 1st League Standard. He reported very well of Jack & Simpson (½ backs). Fraser (Ashfield) Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he did not consider this player good enough. Routledge (Stakeford) Mr. W. Laine reported favorably of these two Mulcahy (Annfield Plain) players especially the latter. Simpson (St. Bernards) Mr. E. Green reported that this player was promising, but not at present up to League standard.