v Aston Villa Res. (a) Kendall, Hamilton, Kerr, Peacock, Murray, Rooney, Parry, Rand, O'Donnell, Houghton, Weaver Res. Millington. v Prescot left to Staff. Director to Aston Villa Mr. W. J. Sawyer. Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that he considered Moffat & Thomson Moffatt very promising, but that Thomson (Luton) had not impressed him. Moran, Dickinson Secy. reported that he did not consider & Winter (Wigan Boro.) the first two players good enough for us but the last named was a promising goalkeeper. Wellington Players Mr. J. Fare reported that Bacon did not play & that none of the others were good enough. Rogers (Flint) Mr. J. Fare reported that this player was promising & should be seen again. Critchley (Stockport) Messrs W. J. Sawyer & W. C. Gibbins gave a fair report of this player & suggested he be seen again. St. Anthony's Players Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that none of these players were of the required standard, but stated he had had good reports re Gibson (I. F.) Parkhead. F. A. XI v Northern} Secy. reported that our player O'Donnell Counties } had been selected to play in this match at Workington. England v Scotland Letter read from F. A. inviting two Directors to attend the Luncheon & match on Apl. 17th. Messrs A. R. Wade & J. Sharp were selected. Grass Seeds It was agreed to give Messrs Middlehurst the order for seeds required at 40/- per bushell (28 lbs.) C. L. Match v H'field Res. Secy. stated that the C. L. had asked for a signed statement by the players of the referees remarks during this match & that he had sent same on. D. Murray Secy. reported that Stockport County had