				[Meeting of Directors held
				at Exchange Station Hotel on
				Tuesday 6th Jany. 1925]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. A. Coffey.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the
		30th ult. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported.
		Gate v Burnley £1555.19.1 	Tax £248.9.8
			        20% £197.6.0	1% £12.11.11
		do. v W. Bromwich Res. £155.7.6	Tax £3.15.4
		do. v Poulton Rovers	    6/4
		20% from Newcastle United F. C. £220.18.10
		Balance of Transfer Fee from Preston N. E. £1000.0.0
			Bank Balance £6890.9.1 Cr.
		Cheques were signed for the following:
		Collector of Customs & Excise	  Enterts. Tax	£253. 0. 3
		Burnley F. C.			    20%		£197. 6. 0
		Football League			    1%		 £12.11.11
		Hotel Victoria Heswall		 Hotel a/c	£102. 3. 2
		Supt. Nautical School Heswall	   Donation	  £2. 2. 0
		L'pool & London & Globe Insce.    Fire G. A.	 £16.14. 0
		T. H. McIntosh			   Wages &c.	£270. 0. 0
		L'pool City Police		Police Services	 £15. 3. 0
Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Burnley 3.2, W. Brom. 0.3, W. Brom. Res. 5.0 & Poulton Rovers 4.0

Doctors & Trainer's	Dr. C. Baxter reported he had examined
Report		Chedgzoy, Hart, Cock, Wall & Williams; & it was
		agreed that Chedgzoy be tried on Thursday &
		Hart examined again. All other players
		were reported fit.