Reports re Players Mr. E. Green gave a good report of this Parker (Stalybridge) player & recommended that we try to obtain his services. Chorley Players Mr. J. Fare reported that Harrison (C. H.) was very promising, but that he did not consider any of the others good enough. Chester v E. Port Mr. D. Kirkwood stated that he did not consider any of these players good enough for us. Crook Players Mr. W. Laine gave a favorable report of Waller (C. F.) but stated that Moralee had not played too well. Rankine (Charlton) Messrs J. Sharp & Secy. reported that they did not consider this player good enough for us, but reported very favorably of the Charlton halfbacks Paterson, Armitage & Hardie. & Kirby O.R. Cpl. F. Macey Secy. reported that this player had signed for Plymonth Argyle. C. L. match v L'pool Secy. stated that Bolton Wanderers were not prepared to postpone our match on Apl. 10th. He was instructed to fix up for another date v L'pool. F. A. Council It was decided to recommend that Mr. J. Grant be appointed to represent L'pool County F. A. on this Council. Hart & McBain Letters read from Aston Villa & Rangers F. C's. re these players - Decided to ask the latter if they were prepared to make an offer for McBain. Marshall (Gillingham) Letter read stating fee required for this player was £1500, but that a lesser sum might be accepted. Decided to leave the matter over for the present.