re proposed postponement of match on Apl. 10th.
Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer by Sheffield U.
Gillingham & Aberdeen & Middlesbro F. Cs. read -
Secy. instructed to ask fee now required for
Marshall (Gillingham).
R. L. Martindale Chairman reported the death of this gentleman
who was Chairman of the Liverpool F. C. It was
of condolence
decided to send letters ^ and sympathy to his family
& also to the L'pool F. C. also that a wreath be sent
& that the Chairman & Messrs A. R. Wade, W. J. Sawyer.
H. Banks & W. C. Gibbins represent the Club at the
St. Francis Xavier's An application from Revd. J. Melling for
College us to play them a match again this year was
agreed to & the date accepted was Mar. 25th.
Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Parker (Stalybridge)
" J. Fare do Chorley v Atherton
" J. Sharp & Secy. to watch Rankin (Charlton).
Next meeting On Tuesday next 2nd March as Exchange
Station Hotel at 6.30 pm.
Confirmed as Correct
W. C. Cuff