L. Forrest giving good reports of this outside left. Dunne (New Brighton) Secy. stated that he had received a good report of this player. Decided he be watched. Ireland v Scotland Secy. stated that R. Irvine had been selected for this match on 27th inst. It was decided that he could not be released. Use of Ground Application from St. Edwards Orphanage & L'pool Boys Association for use of Goodison Park were not granted. Birkenhead An application was received from the Wirral Boro. Hospital Cup} District F. A. asking if we would play a match v Tranmere Rovers for this Cup some evening in April. This was acceded to, a suitable date to be arranged. League match The Secy.'s action in offering the Sunderland v F. C. Wednesday Mar. 17th for date of this Sunderland postponed match was approved. Tobacco Kiosk An application from Messrs Laycock Clough & Co. for permission to erect a Kiosk on our ground was not entertained. Proctor Letter read from the Jarrow F. C. offering this player for a months trial. Decided to ask what transfer fee would be required & also the wage he would want. Letter read from F. A. saying same would be in order. L/c F. Macsy Chairman reported that he had heard that this player was desirous of becoming a professional. Secy. instructed to obtain permission from his C.O. to approach him. William's (H. field) Secy. reported that the Club were asking £3500 for this player. Decided to make an offer of £1500. F. A. Rules Secy. read proposed alterations of F. A. rules.