Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare reported that the former Edmed & Marshall had been signed on by Liverpool and he did not think the latter was quite good enough for us. Hutchison (Albion R.) He also reported very favorably on this player & stated the fee was £1150. Decided not to negotiate at present. Blair (3rd Lanark) Letter read stating that fee required for this player was £3000. Decided to take no further action. Crook Players Mr. W. Laine reported that he did not consider these players of the required standard for us. L'pool University Application for permission to sell Magazines on our ground was referred to the Programme Syndicate. Central League Match It was decided that if Liverpool were v Liverpool agreeable we were prepared to postpone this match fixed for Feby. 6th. Donations Applications for donations from Young Men’s Hostel, New Brighton F. C. Bazaar & Wigan Boro. F. C. Supporters Fund for donations were not entertained. Collection Permission was granted for the National Institute for the Blind to take a collection on our ground on March 13th. Commissionaires It was decided not to engage extra men for the Leicester City match but to do so for the Liverpool match. Truro City F. C. An application for us to play match with this club on Apl. 21st providing our expenses was part paid was agreed to. Canadian Town It was decided to nominate J. Kendall & F. Kennedy for this Tour both players having intimated their willingness to go if selected. McBain Secy. reported he had informed the Cowdenbeath & Rangers F. Cs. that fee required