v W. Bromwich (a) 3 Jany. Same as v Burnley subject to alterations as directors at match decide. v W. Bromwich Res. (h) Kendall, Raitt, Kerr, Brown, Bain, Virr, Parry Wall, Cock, Chadwick & Troup Res. Forbes. v Poulton Rovers (h) left to Staff. Directors to W. Brom Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, A. R. Wade & H. Banks. S. African Players Chairman read a draft letter which he proposed should be sent to the League as to payment of expenses of any of these players who may be signed on & same was agreed to. Millington Mr. J. Fare reported result of his interview with the Oswestry & Wrexham clubs & the question of fixing this player up was left in the hands of Chairman, Secy. & Mr. J. Fare. Burnley F. C. Letter read asking if we would release any of our players for proposed benefit match for Widow of late Mr. J. Howarth. Matter deferred until next meeting. Chambers (L'pool) Letter read that this matter would be considered at their next meeting. Corner Kicks Minute of F. A. read re taking of corner Kicks. Violet Ray Apparatus Decided to order one of these. Leave of Absence Applications from J. Macdonald, H. Hart, & J. Kendall were received but not granted. Friendly Match Decided to ask L'pool F. C. if they would be prepared to play a friendly match to exploit the proposed alteration in the offside rule. Jones (Blackpool) Secy. reported that he had received word that the Club were likely to part