Bain & Virr It was agreed to increase the wages of these 2 players by £1 per week from date. New Stand It was unanimously resolved to Bullens Rd. proceed with the erection of a new Stand in Bullens Rd. & to hold a meeting at the N. W. Hotel on Friday next at 4.30 p.m. to consider plans &c. St. Austells F. C. It was agreed to play a match with this Club on Apl. 20th on terms similar to those for match v Plymouth Argyle on Apl. 19th. B'head Welsh } Permission was granted to this Society Choral Society }to advertise on the ground, their concert on the occasion of the Cardiff City match. Arrangements v Decided to travel on Friday 22nd Tottenham inst. at 5-20 returning on Sunday 24th at 12 noon. Stay at Russell Hotel. Players to watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Proctor (Jarrow) & if satisfied to get in touch with the officers & afterwards with the Chairman who was given powers up to £500 for the players transfer. Mr. D. Kirkwood to watch Marshall (Gillingham). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6.30 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman