Tea &c. It was decided to take the players selected v Fulham to Tea at the N. Western Hotel on Friday next at 5.30 pm. & afterwards to visit the Empire Theatre. N. Nomads F. C. A further application from this Club for financial assistance was not entertained. Reports re Players Secy. reported that the price required Marshall (Gillingham) for this player was £1500. Decided to write them that we were not interested at that price. Hooper (D'ton) Mr. A. Coffey & Secy. reported that on his from v Notts Forest this player was not good enough for us, but they reported very favorably Gibson (Notts Ft.) of Gibson (Notts F.) but price required would be very large. Hutchison (Albion R.) Mr. J. Fare reported favorably of this player. Dixon (Dunfermline) He also reported favorably of these Simpson (St. Bernard's) 2 players especially the former. Birch (Ashton Green) Mr. W. Green reported that this player was very promising. Proctor (Jarrow) Mr. W. Laine gave an excellent report of this player. A Team Ground Letter read from the Corporation offering us a plot of lead in Strawberry Lane. Secy. reported that Messrs Banks, Kirkwood & himself had inspected same & reported it very Suitable. He also stated that the rest would be £10 per acre. It was decided to offer this rent & also to give up the present ground in Townsend Lane at once provided the Corporation would remove & re erect all fences & dressing rooms. It was also decided to ask for a 3 or 5 years lease of the proposed new ground.