Divisional} It was agreed to allow this question
Representatives} to lie on the table for the present.
Players Benefits It was decided to grant S. Chedgzoy
& D. Reid amounts of £650 each in lieu of
benefits this season.
Admission to The question of persons being admitted
Directors Box &} to these premises was discussed and it was
Office} decided that an extra Commissionaire be
appointed & also a man to attend to enquiries
in back office also that (1) one Commissionaire to be in attendance
before, during & after the game at the glass door
at head of stairs & (2) no person to be admitted
without a ticket which the Commissionaire must
collect & use as pass outs at half time (3)
The second Commissionaire to assist in showing
people to their seats in Directors Box & at half
time & full time to see that no person is
admitted to the office without a special
refreshment ticket which will be issued by
Directors or Secy. on match days (1st team) (4)
The Secy. or in his absence the Director deputed
to see to the requirements of the Visiting officials.
Players to watch Mr. A. R. Wade to watch Hooper & Ruddy (Darlington)
" J. Fare do Marshall (Gillingham)
Secy. to arrange to have Wright of Chorley watched.
Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel at 6.30 pm. on
Tuesday next 15th inst.
Confirmed as Correct
W. C. Cuff