Divisional It was decided to appoint one Representatives Representatives for the Newcastle District one for the Birmingham District & one for Lancashire, to watch & report on Players. Williams The Secretary was instructed to write Huddersfield the Huddersfield F. C. if they would be prepared to part with this player. Xmas Boxes Decided to give Xmas Boxes similar to last year. Players to Mr. E. Green to watch Hopkins Rochdale Watch Mr. W. C. Gibbins, Left Back, Darwen Messrs Wade & Sawyer, Lytham v Oldham Cup Tie J. Fare, Inside Left Altrincham. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday Dec. 1st at 6.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman. [Special Meeting of Directors held at 8 Cook St. Monday Nov. 30th 1925] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade, A. Coffey, exp. W. J. Sawyer. Kelly The Secretary reported that he had Burnley received a letter from the Burnley F. C. that they were prepared to part with R. Kelly, decided that J. Fare meet the Chairman of the Burnley Club at Blackburn & report. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff