v Wolverhampton Wanderers Harland, Livingstone, Kerr, Rooney, McBain, Peacock, Millington, Rand, Murray, Kennedy, Weaver, Reserve Reid. Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that he did not Townrow consider that either of these players & Hannaford were good enough for us. Dick Kerrs Mr. W. Green reported that Kellet the Players Centre Half was no use, but that Hall the L. Half was worth seeing again. Fell J. Fare reported the on account of Bradford bad condition of the ground, it was not possible to come to a decision in respect to this players abilities, but he was afraid he was to old. League Minutes read also letter which contained the Minutes permission to pay J. Macdonald £400 Letter at once, of his Benefit of £650. Football Letter read, giving permission for Association H. Hardy to train on the Stockport County Ground. Chadwick The Chairman reported that he had transferred W. Chadwick to Leeds United at a fee of £2500, £1500 to be paid at once & the balance of £1000, on the 17th Feb. 1926, and that Chadwick would be entitled to £414.7.6, accrued share of Benefit with the sanction of the League, action confirmed. McBain This player having made a request to see a Specialist about his Knee, it was decided that Dr. Baxter make the necessary appointment.