Special Training It was decided to keep players at Heswall until Jany. 3rd. Weaver It was reported that Burnley had decided to accept our offer of £2,250 & that this player had been signed on at maximum wage. Tickets for Cup tie Decided only to book seats in Block J for 1st Rd. of F. A. Cup v Burnley. Enquiries re Players Replies were received from Rangers, Middlesbro & Tottenham Hotspur F. C.'s that they were not prepared to part at present with Muirhead, Freeman & Dimmock respectively. Reports re Players Mr. H. Makepeace reported that he did Milne (Swansea) not consider this player up to League standard. Bennett & Langford Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a favorable report (Swansea) re Langford. Millington (Oswestry) Mr. J. Fare again gave an excellent report of this player & it was agreed to proceed to Oswestry to sign him on on best terms possible. Winn (Bradford C.) Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he did not consider this player as good as Weaver. S. African Players Mr. Sergeant attended & stated that some of these players were desirous of returning to play in England & it was agreed that we make endeavours to secure the services of Riley, Murray, Hodgson & Walker & that in the meantime Mr. J. Fare proceed to London to enquire from F. A. if we would be in order in approaching them & enquiry also to be made as to whether the League would allow us to pay their Expenses to England. If everything was in order it was decided to make them an offer of £5 per week for reminder of this season & next season with extra when in 1st team. It was also decided to offer Mr. Sergeant