no further action at present. Wagstaffe (Witton) Mr. C. Carrick gave a very good report of this player. McLellan (Saltcoats) Mr. J. Kellett stated that as this player was injured early in the match it was impossible to report on his play. He however gave a very good report of Parry (outside right). Kendall Letter read from W. Ham United F. C. asking if we would let them have this goalkeeper without transfer. Decided not to accede to their request. Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer by W. Ham, N'cle United, Burnley & Hull City were read. Agreed that Chairman enquire of Mr. J. Lewis re Williams of West Ham. Ritchie (Hibs) Letter read from club that they were not prepared to part with this player at present. Poppy Day Agreed to allow a collection to be taken on the 11th inst. & to contribute £5.5.0. Blue Water Evening Agreed to allow this concert to be advertised on the ground on 7th & 14th inst. Players for Transfer It was decided to offer the following players for transfer:- Harland and Kendall £1500 each, Chadwick (£3000) & Broad £1000. Benefit It was agreed to apply to the Football League for permission to pay J. Macdonald a benefit of £650, and as he was desirous of purchasing a business, to ask to be allowed to advance him £400 on a/c. Pollard (Exeter) Secy. was instructed to ask the clubs Hooper M. (Darlington) concerned if they were prepared to part with these players. Irvine, Harland These players appeared before the & Raitt Board regarding reports which had been