[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Tuesday 13th October 1925.] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins, Dr. J. C. Baxter, A. R. Wade & W. J. Sawyer. Finance The Gate receipts v Huddersfield Town Res. were reported to be £121.15.9 gross. Tax £2.10.10 Bank Balance £6488.7.11 Cr. Cheques were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts. Tax £2.10.10 T. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £260. 0. 0. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v S'land 3-7, H'field Town Res. 0-0 & Ormskirk 4-1. Mr. E. Green also gave a report of the F. A. Trial match at Tottenham & recommended Hardy of Stockport County. Doctor's & Trainer's Dr. C. Baxter & Trainer Elliott reported all Report players fit. Directors to Burnley Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green & A. R. Wade. Team Selections Deferred until Thursday night next. Reports re Players Messrs A. R. Wade & J. Sharp gave a good Hardy (Stockport C.) report of this goalkeeper & it was decided that Secy. enter into negotiations for his transfer at once. Lincoln C. v Crewe Mr. W. J. Sawyer gave a favorable report of Sullivan (Crewe) & Webster (Lincoln C.). Willenhall v Burnley Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave a favorable report Hill Alliance of Millington (GK) & Corbett (OR) of Willenhall. Gray (Oldham Ath.) Mr. D. Kirkwood gave a very good report of this player but letter was read that they were not prepared to part with him at present. Halsall (Southport) Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of the former McKaffy (A. Brighton) but a none too favorable one of the latter.