was not good enough for us. Weaver (Burnley) Chairman reported that the Burnley F. C. required £2500 for this player. Decided that Secy. get in touch with them again as to question of some reduction of this amount. Training It was decided that as part of training a game should be played once a week. New Players Secy. was instructed to ascertain if following players were likely to be transferred. Dimmock (Tottenham), Freeman (Middlesbro) & Chambers (Liverpool). Players to watch D. Kirkwood & H. Makepeace to watch Lumb (N. Nomads). H. Makepeace to watch Milne (Swansea). D. Kirkwood do. Winn (Bradford City). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday 23rd inst. at 6 pm. Tea at 5 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman