[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on Monday 28th Septr. 1925] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, H. Banks, W. J. Sawyer, J Sharp & A. R. Wade. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on the 22nd inst. & Finance committee meeting on the 11th inst. were read & confirmed. The Finance Committee brought forward the question of Bank Charges & Interest, but the Board decided to approve same as per letter from Bank attached. They also brought forward for future attention the question of the re-roofing of Gwladys St. property & the erection of concrete wall around the playing pitch. Finance The Gate v Skelmersdale United was reported to be £22.14.10. The 20% from Manchester City F. C. was £81.1.3 & from Birmingham F. C. £73.7.5. Bank Balance £5026.2.4 Cr. Cheques were signed for the following Police Aided Clothing Assocn. Donation £ 5. 5.0 T. H. McIntosh Wages £250. 0.0 do salary £ 41.13.4 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Liverpool 1-5 & Skelmersdale United 1-1. Doctors Report Dr. C. Baxter reported that Brown, Macdonald & Chadwick were fit, Kendall would. he thought be alright & Parry was improving. Dr. McMurray's report re Brown Harland & Parry was also read. Team Selections The following teams as submitted by the Players Sub-Committee were approved.