W. Brom match on the 16th inst. He had brought the matter to the players notice. Swindon Player Letter read from J. Walker recommending an inside forward. Decided to give him a trial. L. M. & S. Rly. It was agreed to allow this Company to have a Sandwich board carried round the ground at our matches. Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare reported that owing to the Mathewson (S. Shield) terrible weather conditions he was unable to give a true report of this player. Simpson (Shelbourne) A similar report was given by Mr. D. Kirkwood re this player. Motor Mower Mr. H. Banks gave a report on the demonstration by the Atco Motor Mower. Police Aided Clothing} It was agreed to give a donation Assocn. }of £5.5.0 towards this Fund. Band It was decided to engage the Aigburth Silver Prize Band for the remainder of Season. Broad It was decided to offer this player to Preston N. E. at £1250. Roof Repairs Mr. H. Banks reported that the repair to the Ballens Rd. & Goal D. D. stands had been completed. Player to watch J. Fare to watch Parkin (Durham City) Next meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Monday next at 6 pm. Tea at 5.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman