			[Meeting of Directors held
			at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool
			on Tuesday 22nd Septr. 1925.]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors.

Minutes		The Minutes of Meeting held on the 15th
		inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Following receipts were reported
		Sept. 16 Gate v Bromwich £1151.16.3 Gross Tax
		£183.0.4 20% £159.17.7 1% £9.3.7
		19 gate v M/c City Res. £63.12.0 Tax £1.4.8.
			Bank Balance £5271.9.0 Cr.
		Cheques were signed for the following
		Collector of Customs Excise	Enterts. Tax	£186.10.0
		T. H. McIntosh			Wages		£255. 0.0

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		W. Brom. Albion 4-0 M/c City 4-4 Birmingham 1-3
		M/c City Res. 2-2 & Harlandie 0-0.

Doctors Report		Dr. C. Baxter reported the following players
		unfit Parry, Harland, Brown whom he was
		sending to see Dr. McMurray & Macdonald &
		Chadwick doubtful.

Team selection		The following team submitted by the
		Players Sub Committee was approved.
		v Liverpool (a) 16th inst.
		Kendall or C. G. Menham, Raitt, O'Donnell, Peacock,
		McBain, Hart, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Dean, Kennedy
		& Troup. Res. Reid.
		v Skelmersdale United (h)
			left to Staff.

Letters of Thanks	Secy. reported receipt of letters of thanks
		from the various institutions for donations.
Dean			Letter read from F. A. stating that this
		player had been reports for hacking in the