and it was left to the Secretary to see that his instructions were carried out. Team Selections The following team was submitted by the players sub Committee & approved v W. Bromwich Albion (h) 16th inst. Kendall, Raitt, O'Donnell, Brown, McBain ,Hart, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Dean, Kennedy & Troup, Res. Peacock. Directors to Manchester Messrs W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade. do to Birmingham Mr. H. Banks. Central League} Secy. reported that the Inter League Match v W. Brom.} match Football League v Irish League was to be played at Anfield on Oct. 7th on which day we should play this match. It was decided to ask W. Brom. to postpone same & fix another date. Hamilton Benefit A letter was read from the Hull City F. C. asking if we could release Reid & Irvine to play in this match, but it was decided that owing to our heavy programme, permission could not be granted. Practice Match} Letter read from the F. A. granting us receipts} an extension of time for payment of these receipts. D. S. Lamont Testimonial It was decided to give a donation of £5.5.0 to this fund. Dog Show It was agreed to grant the L'pool Kennell Assocn. the use of our practice ground in May next for the purpose of holding a Dog show, but the Board would reserve the right to withdraw the permission if we were to undertake any building operations. Sale of Newspapers It was agreed to allow the L'pool Echo. & L'pool Express permission for 6 days each to sell newspapers on the ground during matches, the boys to wear distinctive badges & to be admitted 5 minutes before ½ time.