not be received by the 15th inst. Player on Transfer A. James of Raith Rovers but no action taken. Gaumont Film Co. A further letter from this firm was read re cinema rights but it was decided to adhere to previous decision. MacAuley Letters read from Col. Meeghan stating that this player had signed for a U. S. A. club & returning the amount of expenses £25. Sale of Newspapers An application from the Programme Syndicate asking for permission for a limited number of boys to be allowed to sell papers on the ground was left over pending a conference with the L'pool F. C. on the matter. Murray's Exs. An account for this players Expenses from S. Africa amounting to £86.2.0 was presented & passed. Advertisements It was decided to advertise the Central League matches once each in the Echo & Express. Players to Watch J. Fare to watch Raith Rovers v Airdrie match on 12th inst. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Tea at 5.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.