v Marine (a) 5th prox. left of Staff. Directors to W. Bromwich Messrs H. Banks, W. J. Sawyer & W. C. Gibbins do to Cardiff " do do Complimentary Tickets It was agreed to issue a ticket to Mr. Morris G. W. R. but not to the Printers. D. J. Murray The Chairman reported that the League had sanctioned payment of wages to this player from 25th July. His a/c of expenses were to be gone into & checked by Secy. New Brighton F. C. Secy. reported receipt of personal undertaking by Messrs Martlew & Storey re repayment of loan to this Club. Official Photo It was agreed that Carbonara Co. take the photo of players for present season. L'pool Senior Cup The Secy's. action in arranging for Semifinal of this Cup v L'pool to be played at Anfield on 21st Oct. was confirmed. Donations An application from Garston Swimming Club for a donation was allowed to lie on table. Share Certificate An indemnity re loss of scrip was presented by Trustees of late A. Phipp but it was decided not to issue new certificate for at least 6 months. Fairfoull Secy. reported that this player was asking for £4 per week. Decided that as we had made him an offer of £1 per week he be kept on C. L. retained list. Press Report Mr. Green brought forward the question as to how the L'pool Echo. representative had been able to obtain an interview with the referee on Sat. last. The Chairman was requested to ask the Management Committee as to the advisability of Referees giving