£5 per week from 31st July to 2nd May with £1 extra when playing in 1st team & Bonuses as allowed by Leagues. Sale of Newspapers Letter read from L'pool Daily Post & Echo asking for permission for C. boys to be allowed on the ground on match days to sell papers. The feeling was that it be not allowed but it was decided to confer with the L'pool F. C. on the matter, but if that club did not agreed with us, the question to be reconsidered. Cinema Pictures Applications having been received from Pathe Freres, Gaumonts & Topical Budget for permission to take pictures at our matches, it was decided to confer with L'pool F. C. on the matter. Programmes Secy. reported on the conference with the L'pool F. C. and also on the clubs interview with Mr. E. A. Morton. He stated that the price of the programme would be reduced to 1st & promised to put a better publication on the market. The clubs action in offering to give him a 3 years contract, provided the publication was improved by Jany. next. was confirmed. Shareholders} This question was again deferred Invitations} pending the Chairman speaking on the matter at Smoking Concert. Broad It was decided to defer the action proposed at last meeting for a further period. Townsend Lane} Secy. reported that as the Orwell Wed. Ground} F. C. had obtained the tenancy of another ground, they were not prepared to negotiate for our A team Ground.