			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park, Liverpool on
			Tuesday 17th April 1923.]

		Present	Mr W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 10th
		inst & Finance Committee Meeting held on the
		13th inst were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported
		Apl 11/23 Gate v Lpool A     £17.0.0    Tax £3.9.6
		 "  14/23  do  v Aston Villa £1636.10.4 Tax £346.11.10
			   20% to as £195.0.3
		Corinthians F.C.	½ gate		£118.13.2
		Burnley FC		20%		£81.4.4
			Bank Balance £2139.5.6 Dr
		Cheques were signed for the following:-
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts Tax	£350.1.4
		Aston Villa F. C. 	20%			£195.0.3
		T H McIntosh		Wages & Exs.		£350.0.0
		Lancashire FA		Sub & Cup Tie		£1.11.6

Doctors & Trainers 	Dr C Baxter & Trainer Elliott reported the
Report		following players unfit viz. Downs, Wall & Salt.

Reports of Matches 	Reports were received of the matches v
		Aston Villa 2-1, Sheff. U 1-0, Sheff U Res 4-4

Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Aston Villa (a) 21st inst
		Fern, Raitt, Macdonald, Peacock, McBain, Hart,
		Chedgzoy, Irvine, Cock, Chadwick, Troup Res Fleetwood

		v Sheffield U Res (h) 21st inst
		Harland, Caddick, Livingstone, Brown, Reid, Grenyer,
		Parry, Miller, Forbes, Williams, Harrison  Res Virr

		v Liverpool Res (h) 23rd inst
			same as above