Retained & Transfer The list of players suggested to be Lists retained last week was agreed to except Weller who was to be offered £5 per week all year. It was also agreed to offer the following players engagements. A Harland £6 & £7 + £1 extra in 1st team. Livingstone £6 all round. Brown £4 & £6. Miller £5 all round + £1 extra in 1st team. Wall £5 all round & £1 extra in 1st team. McGrae £4 all round & £1 extra in CL team. Virr £3 all round Forbes £6 all round. Harrison (if not transferred for £2000) £6 & £8 Downs £6 & £8 Grenyer £6 & £8 Next Meeting Tuesday 17th inst at Goodison Park at 6.30pm Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman Transfer List It was decided to place the following players on transfer list. Salt, Young, Jeffes & Alford W. C. Cuff