v Sheffield U. (a) 16th inst Fern, Raitt, Macdonald, Peacock, McBain, Hart, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Cock, Chadwick, Troup. v Sheffield U Res (a) 14th inst Harland, Caddick, Livingstone, Brown, Reid, Grenyer or Weller, Forbes, Fleetwood, Virr, Williams or Grenyer, Harrison. v Darwen (a) 17th inst Harland, Caddick, Livingstone, Jeffes, Reid, Rooney, Parry, Miller, Virr, Williams, Alford. v Buckley (a) 16th inst. Left to Staff. Director to Sheffield (Sat) Mr W C Gibbins do (Mon) Messrs W. C. Cuff & H Banks do to Darwen Mr W. J. Sawyer. Lpool Hospital Cup A deputation consisting of Messrs A Nelson, W Steadman & H Halliday attended the meeting & asked if we would consent to the Central League teams of Liverpool & ourselves competing for this trophy next season. Central League) These minutes were read. & F.L. Minutes) Catholic Schools Cup It was agreed to grant the use of Goodison Park for this Final on Saturday 5th May at 6.30. Forbes The Chairman's action in granting this player permission to proceed home to see his mother who was ill was confirmed. Flags It was decided to order 2 Pennants & 2 Union Jacks from Messrs Wilkinson. Reports re players The Chairman & Mr A Coffey reported that Crosbie (Birmingham) they could not recommend this player. Cowan (Dundee) H Makepeace gave a similar report re this player.