v Port Vale Res (h) Harland, Caddick, Livingstone, Jeffes, Reid, Grenyer, Parry, Miller, Forbes, Williams & Harrison Res Rooney v Seaforth Albion (a) left to Staff. Use of Ground The use of Goodison Park was granted for the following matches. Lancs Amateur Cup Final on Monday 30th Apl. Lpool County Amateur Cup Final on Wed 25th Apl at 6.30. Directors to Burnley Messrs W C Cuff, H Banks, W J Sawyer & J Sharp Lpool Medal Competition Secy reported we had been drawn at home in 1st Rd of this Competition v New Brighton and that he had fixed same for Wed May 2nd. His action was confirmed. Birkenhead Hospital An invitation to compete for this Cup Cup was not entertained. Iron Staircase It was agreed to accept Messrs Brough's offer of £5 for this. Butler Correspondence was read intimating that this player was likely to sign for M'bro. Reports re Players Mr J Fare reported that he was not impressed MacKenzie (Ayr) with this player's display at centre forward but that Gibson (LH) was very good. Crosbie (Birmingham) Mr E Green reported that this man was a good player but not effective in goal area and recommended he be seen again. Woodhouse (P.N.E.) H Makepeace reported that this player had played very well v Tottenham. Turnbull (Bradford) He also reported very favorably on this player's display at centre forward. Old Xaverians J Fare reported that none of the players v Marine in this match were good enough for us. Scottish Players J. Craig's report on various players was read.