Testimonials It was decided to grant a donation of £6.6.0 to the Grant Lamont & Lythgoe testimonial. Agreed that a letter re proposed testimonial to T Laithwaite be allowed to lie on table. Lpool Football League It was decided to grant use of Goodison Park to this League for Houston Cup Final on a Saturday evening after a C.L. match arrangements as to exact date to be left in hands of Secy. Docks Red Triangle It was agreed to grant a donation of £3.3.0 Lads Club to funds of this club. Cup Final Tickets The following tickets were allotted viz. Mr W C Cuff 4 @ 15/- W. C. Gibbins 6 @ 15/-, J Sharp 4 @ 15/- W J Sawyer 4 @ 15/- The question of the disposal of the remainder was left over until next meeting. Oldham Deaf & Dumb An application from this club for a donation F.A. was not entertained. Kirton (Aston Villa) Secy was instructed to enquire if this player was likely to be transferred. Players to watch Mr E Green to watch Crosbie (Birmingham) " J Fare do McKenzie (Ayr United) " H Makepeace do Woodhouse (PNE) Next Meeting Wednesday 4th April at Goodison Park after match v Wigan Borough A. Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman