was impossible to give a report. Scottish Juniors v Mr J Craig reported favorably of Kelly Irish Intermediate League O L (Forth River) & Gee (F B) & Kilpatrick (I. F) (Dunmary) & Falconer (HB Ashfield). Walker (St Mirren) He also reported very favorably on this player. New Stand The question of the erection of a New Stand in Bullens Rd was carefully considered and it was proposed to obtain estimates for the work & if same did not exceed £27000 the opinion of the members present was that the work be proceeded with at close of present season. Harland Mr H Banks gave a report on this player's condition and it was decided to send a letter of thanks to Chedgzoy's sister for her kindness in visiting the hospital and also to make her a present of Two Guineas. J G Cock The Secy reported he had received an official receipt for £45 removal of this player's furniture which he had sent to the League. Corinthians FC Letter read from this club offering to play us a friendly match on their ground on Cup tie terms should we be vacant on 24th inst- Agreed to do so. Winsford Hospital An application for us to play a match at Winsford for benefit of this institution was not entertained. Players to watch J Fare to watch Rochdale v Halifax Town H Makepeace do Allan Coventry City Secy. do Butler Darlington Next Meeting Tuesday 13th inst at Goodison Park 6.30pm Confirmed E Green Chairman