Applications for The Secy's action in refusing the use use of Ground of the ground during the Summer from the Boy Scouts, Bootle Police & Industrial Schools was confirmed. St Dunstan's An application from Mr L. Hallam of Stoke for us to play a match in aid of this Institution was not entertained. Secondary Schools It was agreed to grant the use of Shield the ground for this Final on a date to be arranged by Secy. Bootle Hospital The Secys action in arranging a match our A team v Seaforth Albion for benefit of this hospital was confirmed. Reliance Publicity Co. An application from this Coy with regard to the publication of souvenir handbooks was left in hands of the Chairman. Railway Benevolent It was decided to grant a donation of Institution £1.1.0 to funds of this institution. C. L match v The Secys action in arranging for L'pool this postponed match to be played on Wed 21st inst was confirmed. Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer were gone through & Secy was instructed to arrange to have Bellas (Wednesday FC) seen play. Reports re Players Mr E Green gave an excellent report Butler (Darlington) re this player & it was decided to have him watched again. Smith (Leicester City) Mr J Fare again reported favorably on this player. Fishwick (Chorley) Mr H Makepeace gave a fairly good report on this player but did not consider him any better than our own players. Kendall (Lincoln) Mr W. J. Sawyer stated that owing to this player being injured early in the game it