v Burnley Res (h) Kemp, Weller, Livingstone, Brown, Brewster, Grenyer, Jones, Fazackerley, Edmunds, Forbes, Alford. Res Wall v Wigan Boro Res (a) left to Staff Directors to Nottm Messrs W J Sawyer & H. Banks Spencer Secy reported that this player had been transferred to Wigan Boro at a fee of £690. He was instructed to apply to the League for permission to pay him accrued share of benefit on basis of £350. L'pool University FC Secys action in arranging home & home fixtures with this club on cup tie terms was approved. Roberts (Bolton) Letter read stating that transfer fee required for this player was £4000. No action taken. England v Ireland Secy reported that our player Irvine had been selected to play for Ireland at W Bromwich on 21st inst. Mr A. Coffey was deputed to represent the club at the match. Reports re Players Messrs D Kirkwood & H Makepeace reported Fishwick (Chorley) that they did not consider this player good enough for us Wright (Earle FC) Mr J Fare reported that this player was not of required standard for us. Hacking (Bpool) Mr H Makepeace reported that in his opinion this player was not good enough for us. Cowan (Dundee) Mr J Craig again reported very favorably on this player. McMillan An application from this man to act as Scout for Players for us in Midlands