Reports re Players Mr J McGill reported that this player Porter (Rowlinson United) was very promising & it was decided he be seen again. Halshaw (Croston) Mr E Green & Secy reported that they could not recommend this player to be signed on. Penn (Halesowen) Mr H Makepeace reported that this player was useful & should be seen again. Brentford & Swindon Mr J Fare reported that Philipson (Swindon) was poor. Johnson (Swindon) very promising & Hunter (Brentford) good & should be followed up. Doyle (Airdrie) Mr J Craig reported favorably on this player & Secy stated he had also had good reports from players Hart & Macdonald. G. W. Jones Secy reported that the League had agreed to this player receiving £355 as accrued share of benefit. E Salt The question of putting this player on transfer list was left over until next week. Dundee F.C. This Telegram read from this club asking us to play friendly match at Dundee on 9th April. Decided to ask them to put their terms in writing. Skelmersdale Mission It was decided to grant this club F.C. £1.1.0 towards their expenses in connection with their Cup Tie & our A team on 10th inst. Presentation to Lpool) Mr W J Sawyer was deputed to attend a County FA Officials) meeting called re this matter. Players to watch Mr E Green & Secy to watch Doyle (Airdrie) " J Fare do Barrass (Blackpool) " H Makepeace do Penn (Halesowen) " J Craig do Allison (Peebles Rovers) Next Meeting Tuesday 20th inst at 6.30 pm Confirmed E Green Chairman