Bath City Players	Mr D Kirkwood reported very favorably of
		Dore (C.F.) & Dallimore (IR) & also that the
		backs were young & promising.

Gilchrist		He also reported that the former was
& Macfarlane	very good, but that the latter in his opinion
(Celtic)	was not strong enough for League football.

Dillimore		Mr J Fare reported that he did not
(Millwall)	consider this man big enough for us.

Leslie (Fairmuir) 	Mr J Craig reported that he did not
Dunsire (do)	consider the former any use to us, but
		that the latter was very promising & should
		be seen again.

McBain			Secy was instructed to proceed to M/C
(M/C United)	to offer the club up to £3500 for this player
		or to offer Harrison as part exchange, the
		value on the latter to be placed at £2500.

Pratt (Bradford City) 	Secy reported that this player was on
		transfer & that fee required was £1500.

Fishwick (Chorley) 	Messrs A R Wade & W. C. Gibbins were deputed
		to watch this player on Sat next & if satisfied
		to have powers up to £400 to obtain his transfer.

McCourt			Letter read from Club that they were
(Sheffield U)	not prepared to consider the question of
		transferring this player.

F. Walker		Letter read from Club asking what
(3rd Lanark)	offer we were prepared to make for this
		player, but Secy stated he had asked
		Mr Fare to make enquiries when in Glasgow.

Cousins			This player having been put on transfer
(Stockport County) Secy was instructed to ask price required.

Billiard Room		The question of the additional furnishing
		for this room was left in hands of Messrs H
		Banks & A. R. Wade.

Wolves & Wigan		Letters stating that the former would