			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on
			Tuesday 16th January 1923]

		Present	Mr W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr W J Sawyer.

Doctor's Report		Dr. C. Baxter reported McGrae unfit.
		Macdonald doubtful & Forbes should now in
		his opinion be played.

Finance			Cheques were signed for the following :-
		Football Assocn			5%		£41.4.0
		T H McIntosh			Wages &c	£330.0.0
		Bradford AFC.			½ gate		£391.7.10
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts Tax	£236.10.4
		L'pool City Police		Police Services	£18.18.0
		Cleveleys Hydro			Hotel a/c	£96.19.9

Team Selection		The following team was selected

		v Bradford (a) 15 inst.
		Harland, Raitt, Livingstone, Brown, Fleetwood,
		Hart, Chedgzoy, Peacock, Irvine, Williams, Reid
		Res Grenyer
			It was decided to hold a meeting on
		returning from Bradford to select teams v
		Stoke & Stoke Res.

Director to Stoke 	Mr H Banks.

Reports re Players 	Mr J Fare reported favorably on this
Matthews (Boscombe) player's display at Bristol & it was decided
		that Chairman & Secy proceed to
		Boscombe on Sat with powers to sign him on
		up to £850.

Brain (Ton Pentre)	Mr W J Wallace reported that this player
		was clever but on the light side & recommended
		he be seen again.