British Legion An application from this Association to sell emblems inside the ground was refused. Proposed New Stand It was decided to ask Mr A Leitch to attend a special meeting on Monday next the 8th inst at 7 o'c to go into plans &c. Alford Decided to place this player on transfer. Director to H'field Mr W. C. Gibbins with other Directors at Cleveleys. New Brighton FC Mr W J Sawyer reported that the proposal to exchange Alford for Niven was not agreeable to the N.B. club. Special Training The action of the Directors at home on 1st inst in sending Harrison & Forbes to Cleveleys & withdrawing Macdonald (ill) was approved. Rooney Secy reported having signed this player on at £3.10.0 per week. Players to Watch It was decided that the Staff be instructed to keep a careful watch on players dropped out of the 1st teams of their clubs who may be useful to us & reports made to the Board. It was also decided that Secy be empowered to order newspapers with a view to following up players performances &c. A Wall Secy was instructed to forward letter of sympathy to this player. Players to watch Messrs A. Coffey & W J Sawyer to watch Cockburn (S'port County) Mr J Fare to watch Dillimore (Millwall) & Walker (Luton) " D Kirkwood do Macfarlane (Celtic) " J Craig do McLeod & Gibson (Ayr U) Secy do Williams (Shrewsbury) " A Coffey do E v W of Scotland Confirmed W C Cuff Chairman.