Players to watch Mr W J Sawyer to watch Fishwick (Chorley) & if satisfied to have powers to sign him on up to a fee of £150. Mr J Fare to watch Walker (GK) Bacup H Makepeace do Inside Right (Atherton) Doyle (Airdrie) Secy stated that J Craig had informed him that this player was good, but it was decided to take no action. Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman Cheques were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs Excise Enterts. Tax £242.12.10 T H McIntosh wages & Exs £450.0.0 Manchester City F.C. 20% £250.15.8 Birmingham F.C. 20% £138.6.0 Football League Ld ½% £4.4.0 do ½% £8.4.2 F.L. Mutual Insurance Federation £66.0.0 Lpool & London & Globe Insce Co Premium £30.14.0 W C Cuff do £0.17.6 T H McIntosh salary £41.13.4 Lpool City Police £39.0.0 W. C. Cuff Chairman