Summerson Secy reported that owing to this player suffering from boils he did not play too well but gave promise. It was decided to keep him in view. Fielding Mr J Fare reported that he did not consider this player big enough for us. Rigg Mr H Makepeace reported that on this player's display he was not nearly good enough for us. Chatton & Mair Mr J Craig reported that the former was promising, but the latter was not good enough. Alford This player having asked to be placed on transfer, the New Brighton FC having asked for his services, it was left to the Chairman & Mr W J Sawyer to endeavour to arrange an exchange of this player for Niven (FH) New Brighton. Downs A similar request having been made by this player. Secy was instructed to ask the Dundee FC if they would consider in exchange of this player & Cowan. New Billiard Room Estimates for painting having been opened it was decided to accept the tender of Mr G. Clarkson of £8.17.6. Peacock The Chairman reported that he had spoken to this player re his mode of living & it was decided that he be induced to live in L'pool & that the Directors at Cleveleys whilst training there speak to him on the matter. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Tuesday next at 6.30 pm